The Heartfelt Property Finder

Property_FinderBeing a commercial real estate agent can be incredibly rewarding and frustrating. That’s true of any real estate agent, location scout, or property finder, so it’s important to keep the focus to the client’s needs and wants. The client is the reason that real estate agents exist; connecting people with property.

With residential real estate, it’s easier to keep in mind that the client’s decision is going to be mostly emotional based. Being a commercial property finder, it can be difficult to remember that at the heart of business decisions, there are emotional factors. If your buyer doesn’t like the way a building looks or feels it won’t matter where it’s located. The numbers only do so much for selling a property. Potential and personality are always powerful selling factors in real estate.

Being a great property finder means being a people person. Empathize with your client. Do anything and everything you can to get into their frame of mind to help you narrow down listings and look for things that your buyer might like. Clients don’t always say what they think immediately, so it’s the job of the real estate agent to make them feel comfortable and free to speak their mind.

It’s also the job of the property finder to use your knowledge and experience to steer the buyer in the right direction. Add a touch of realism to the buying process to ground clients where necessary and encourage others. Ideally, you know what’s possible and what isn’t when it comes to renovation. Keeping in mind cost, help your client to see potential and be realistic about that potential.

So much of a purchase is made because of feelings, instincts, and emotions. No one wants to feel like they’re pressured into a sale, and it’s not necessary to pressure anyone anyways. When your client finds something they love, you’ll know it. As a property finder, point out the upsides and use your client’s passion to guide the search.

For the buyer, it’s a positive attitude as an absolute necessity. Look at everything through the eyes of potential. Things can always be improved upon and saving money on location or current building can leave leftover budget for renovations. Channeling passion for business into passion for building can really unleash the potential in a property and a new property owner. If you go above and beyond the responsibilities of a property finder, your clients will remember that.

  Commercial Real Estate Market | Closing the Deal

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